I agree wholeheartedly with what the author of introduction to criticism has stated. We develop who we are based on the experiences in our life and the things that we hear. Based on this fact I believe most of the population of the world and particularly Americans belonging to the lower to middle class would benefit greatly by opening their minds to other cultures and points of view. Especially rather than focusing all of their concentration on what celebrities are getting married or divorced and other useless information people like to fill their heads with.
If people would put any amount of thought into what really happens in the world rather than just taking a major news networks report as undeniable fact, then the masses would be much harder to utilize for the benefit of a few. Sadly some people are so accustomed to the same culture that holds them back that thinking in any way that doesn’t support it is blasphemous to them. Their false sense of patriotism is doing quite the opposite of helping the country they love to flourish.
Corporations (the true power holders in America) for the most part don’t care about the well being of their workers if it would mean a profit loss for their shareholders. Through advertising and other media they can do a fairly good job of convincing people otherwise. Television and other media is a powerful way to spread stories across a wide area which as Introduction To Criticism says stories help to form what makes a person so in this generation making people believe what you want them to is becoming easier and easier. All in all I enjoyed what Michael Ryan(the author) had to say and I believe more people should open up to his way of thinking.